SLR / Patrol Rifle Instructor Course (Law Enforcement Only)
LENGTH OF COURSE: 5 days (45 hours)
TUITION: $625 (No extra charge for P.O.S.T. credits (L.E.))
Course description:
APT Firearms Academy's SLR / Patrol Rifle Instructor Course is designed to teach law enforcement instructor candidates the proper methods of instructing students in the use of the SLR / patrol rifle. This course discusses legal issues, use of force, and department policies. It will greatly increase the candidate’s teaching and shooting ability. This course includes classroom sessions and range time.
Prerequisite: Must be an established law enforcement firearms instructor for admittance to this instructor course.
This is a Missouri P.O.S.T. approved course
Topics covered:
Instructor greeting and introduction
Preparation, delivery, and documentation of training
Methods of instruction
Training aids
Safety and carry conditions
Diagnosing and correcting shooters’ errors
Establishing instructor standards
Lowlight qualifications
Running live-fire courses
Equipment needed:
Patrol rifle with tactical sling
1,000 rounds of ammunition (NO SS109 or green tip allowed)
Magazine pouches (can be purchased from the APT Pro Shop)
Elbow & knee pads
Snivel gear
Hearing and eye protection
Holster and magazine pouches
3 magazines (minimum)
100 rounds of ammunition