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Night Fighter Express Course (Use of Night Vision)












LENGTH OF COURSE:  1 day (4 hours classroom / 4 hours outside)

TUITION:  $325 (No extra charge for P.O.S.T. credits (L.E.)) 


Course description:

APT Firearms Academy's Night Fighter Express Course is designed to teach both beginner and advanced students the fundamental skills of shooting and moving under NODs (Night Optic Devices).  This is a streamlined course for those whose time is limited and are only able to devote one day to a class.  In this fast paced course we will go over a significant amount of information in a short period of time such as  nomenclature, gear setups, zeroing, IR lasers, white light, moving at night and reloading in the dark.    

This is a Missouri P.O.S.T. approved course

Prerequisite:  Must be competent with firearm before coming to class.  This is an advanced class and not the place for learning how to manipulate your safety or load your firearm for the first time.

Topics covered:

  • Nomenclature

  • Helmet and rifle setups for night vision use

  • Zeroing lasers

  • Use of IR

  • Use of white light

  • Reloading in the dark

  • Moving in the dark


Equipment needed:

  • Helmet mounted night vision (monocular or binocular)

  • Pistol caliber carbine or .22 AR (capable of mounting an IR laser)

       **Pistol calibers are required due to shooting on steel at close (realistic) distances​

  • ​Helmet and mount for night vision use​

  • IR laser

  • 3 magazines (minimum)

  • Chest rig or battle belt to hold your magazines

  • 350 rounds of ammunition

  • Knee and elbow pads

  • Gloves

  • Ear and eye protection

  • Cold weather and/or rain gear

  • Note taking gear

  • Food / snacks / water (Please bring your dinner for this class as we will not be leaving the facility.  A refrigerator and microwave is available for your convenience.)

**We have 3 night vision units (night vision / lasers / helmets) available for rental during the class.  Please let us know if you need to reserve one when you register for the class.  There is no additional fee to use our equipment.  First come, first serve.

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