Fighting from a Disabled Vehicle /
Advanced SLR Course
COURSE LENGTH: 1 day (8 hours)
Course description:
APT Firearms Academy's Fighting from a Disabled Vehicle / Advanced SLR Course is designed to instruct students on counter ambush tactics for civilian and law enforcement personnel and how to fight if attacked while in a vehicle that no longer runs. We will review how to fight from inside, outside, and away from the car. Students will learn to exfiltrate a vehicle under fire while engaging assailants with their patrol rifle, reverse bounding, peeling, using appropriate cover and concealment, and "buddy down" concepts. This course will teach close quarters SLR skillsets, team tactics, and verbal skills. Students should expect to spend a full day on the range and should show up with their full kit.
Prerequisite for this course is the SLR / Patrol Rifle I Course
Topics covered:
SLR use in a vehicle
Close quarters SLR skills
Counter ambush tactics
How to fight from inside the car
How to fight outside the car
How to fight away from the car
Exfiltrating a vehicle under fire while engaging assailants
Team tactics
Verbal skills
Equipment needed:
400 rounds of ammunition
SLR / Patrol Rifle
3 magazines
Magazine carrier
Hearing and eye protection
Knee & elbow pads